
Currently Online: Team Croc 

CIT 2014


28 participants in this years CIT so a GREAT turnout. I am glad I talked alot of older managers into coming back and giving it a go. Should be a real fun and entertaining tourney. LET'S GET IT ON!


It was a hell of a fight. Bale employed a strategy from no other than TR himself that he had used with one of his own dancers. Bale jumped into the lead and rested every other round then flailed. Bales str

Mar 11, 2015 5:54 PM


It was a hell of a fight. Bale employed a strategy from no other than TR himself that he had used with one of his own dancers. Bale jumped into the lead and rested every other round then flailed. Bales strategy was to catch TR flailing if the score was close in the later middle rounds and go allout. Bale knew his guy was down a few AP's so his strategy was sound. TR never panicked and didn't over flail and was ready for the allout when it came. The allout did damage to both fighters but Bales man's eye got swollen shut. At that point accuracy and the ability to avoid punches for Bales man took a major blow and it was just a matter of time. Round 10 Bales fighter made one last effort to put TR's guy away with a desperate allout again. With the lead and his guy in better shape TR was waiting for it. Great final Fight


I want to thank everyone that participated in this years CIT. It has been a very exciting and competitive tourney.

Let's talk about these Two managers. It's gonna be a battle of the old g

Mar 10, 2015 1:33 AM


I want to thank everyone that participated in this years CIT. It has been a very exciting and competitive tourney.

Let's talk about these Two managers. It's gonna be a battle of the old guard vs. the new guard. Top Rank.. The coach..One of the best EVER. We know his accolades. Not a fight he hasn't seen one time or another in his great career. Bale Force.. I mentioned he is probably the best new manager to come around in a while. Keeps real quiet but carries a big stick. Another oversea's Great manager in the mold of Balrog and La-may. These are the only two managers that I never picked against in this tourney. Good Reason. Gonna Be a Barnburner. Top Rank 60/40


985035 3/9/2015 1:02 AM 21 Everyone Beat Up The Commish! managed by ZWIP (U.S. Midwest) VS Hurri-Kane managed by Bale Force (England) Bale got the automatic win to make it to the semi'

Mar 08, 2015 3:01 AM


985035 3/9/2015 1:02 AM 21 Everyone Beat Up The Commish! managed by ZWIP (U.S. Midwest) VS Hurri-Kane managed by Bale Force (England) Bale got the automatic win to make it to the semi's. Bale is the best new manager this game has seen in a long time. He can fight sluggers and dancers very well. His forte though is dancers. I have the only slugger left in the tourney. Even though Bales guy is down a few AP's I think he finds away to put my slugger away. Bale 60/40

985034 3/9/2015 1:02 AM 21 Meadows Round 1 Exit managed by Meadows Inc. 2015 (U.S. South) VS Las Vegas Larry managed by Top Rank (U.S. West) No matter what happens in this fight Meadows has proven he can fight dancers as well as his favorite fighters.....sluggers. This will make him an even more dangerous manager being able to fight both types of guys. (Closet Nancy)...What can you say about TR..Hall of fame..multiple MOTY's. He is probably the only manager that has fought more dancer vs.dancer fights than I have. This is right in his wheelhouse. TR 70/30

ROUND THREE..FOR A TRIP TO THE FINAL FOUR...BALE GETS THE BYE AND A FREE TRIP TO THE SEMI'S AND ONE WIN AWAY FROM THE FINALS 984934 3/7/2015 12:04 AM 20 Meadows Round 1 Exit managed by Meadows Inc. 2015 (U.S. South) VS Every Mother's Son

Mar 06, 2015 3:39 AM

ROUND THREE..FOR A TRIP TO THE FINAL FOUR...BALE GETS THE BYE AND A FREE TRIP TO THE SEMI'S AND ONE WIN AWAY FROM THE FINALS 984934 3/7/2015 12:04 AM 20 Meadows Round 1 Exit managed by Meadows Inc. 2015 (U.S. South) VS Every Mother's Son managed by Worknman (U.S. East) OK getting down to the nitty gritty. Meadows has shown he is absolutlely an excellent dancer manager (Dancing Nancy). Going against Work who is to this point the dark horse of this tourney. I have picked against him twice and he proven me wrong with great FP's. Classic Dancer (Meadows,,HA!) vs Slugger. Work has told me to keep him the underdog so I will. The Prancer 60/40

984935 3/7/2015 12:04 AM 20 Las Vegas Larry managed by Top Rank (U.S. West) VS Mount Dodgeball managed by Dodgeball (U.S. South) Dream Matchup IMO...Two of the greatest dancer managers ever. TR beat fellow HOFamer Lame in his last bout to prove his skills are still there and his fighter is really tough.. DB thrives on these type of fights he was MOTY last Year so being here is no mistake. Close fight.Will be a classic DB..60/40

984936 3/7/2015 12:04 AM 20 Everyone Beat Up The Commish! managed by ZWIP (U.S. Midwest) VS Bim Bam Ba Bectel managed by The Battlin Bectel (U.S. Midwest) Bectel and I have fought each other 643 times. Both being from the Midwest we have seen each other alot. Bectel has done well getting to this point. I am not surprised. He is a Vet who has seen it all. Looks like he has made a slugger killer. I ran slugger for a change this time around. Bectel 60/40

There are some terrific fights tonight so should be fun to watch I was a little disapointed and feel bad thatsome managers didn't get FP's in for their first round contest. I tried to give all enough notice. Let's move on!


Mar 04, 2015 9:46 PM

There are some terrific fights tonight so should be fun to watch I was a little disapointed and feel bad thatsome managers didn't get FP's in for their first round contest. I tried to give all enough notice. Let's move on!

984887 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Iron Clay Jr managed by Alcatraz Gym (U.S. West) VS Everyone Beat Up The Commish! managed by ZWIP (U.S. Midwest) I have nothing to do with the tourney scheduler..that is all Aaron. I told everyone Iron Clay is going 4h/8/8 (ring) in first round. He still is. ZWIP 90/10

984884 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Oddjob who lives in Dorkdom managed by Duke of Dorkdom (U.S. West) VS Meadows Round 1 Exit managed by Meadows Inc. 2015 (U.S. South) Geez..If there was ever a fight with two flim flam light in the loafers Dancing Nancys...this is it. Should be enough hot flailing air between these two Pansies to put out a house fire. That being said Meadows is just getting his feet wet fighting high rated dancers and DoD is an expert with sluggers and dancers...soooo DoD 70/30

984885 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Every Mother's Son managed by Worknman (U.S. East) VS CIT Rusev managed by Rusev the Crusher (U.S. East) Looks to be two sluggers going at for the first time in this tourney. Work likes to fight as an underdog..Rusev's guy looks to be a slugger killer here ya go Work..Rusev 60/40

984888 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 First Name "Greatest" Last Name "Ever" managed by 53rd Street Gym (U.S. Midwest) VS Bim Bam Ba Bectel managed by The Battlin Bectel (U.S. Midwest) This should be a fun fight to watch. Two of my Midwest brothers fighting it out. 53 is fighting a dancer and Bectel a balanced guy. 53 is a primary slugger manager but is a smart guy so will fight the dancer well. Bectel is an old cagy manager that knows ever trick in the book. Bectel 60/40

984889 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Hurri-Kane managed by Bale Force (England) VS Brett Hunter managed by Wellbrook Simmington (U.S. East) Bales has proven he is one of the best managers in the game. His forte is dancers which he is running. Wellbrook is a journeyman who can surprise you if take him lightly. Going with the hot hand Bale 70/30

984890 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Las Vegas Larry managed by Top Rank (U.S. West) VS Aldwych Firestarter managed by la-may (Europe) The fight of the night right here. Two hall of Fame managers going at it. Both are excellent fighting dancers. This would be the main event in any forum hands down. Toss up. Lame has been a little more active lately so Lame 60/40

984886 3/5/2015 12:36 PM 19 Mount Dodgeball managed by Dodgeball (U.S. South) VS Return Of Gray Goose managed by Terminator Ty (U.S. Midwest) This should be another good fight. Both are very comfortable fighting dancers. DB has shown in the past couple years he is a good as anyone in this game. DB's is the ultimate preparer. Ty is a Midwest guy but I am going with DB 70/30


984748 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 CIT Rusev managed by Rusev the Crusher (U.S. East) VS 3D Waffle managed by ~Bobby St.Pain~ (U.S. West) Two good up and coming managers. Dancer vs. Slugger. 50/50 toss up

984761 3/4/2015 12

Mar 03, 2015 2:17 PM


984748 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 CIT Rusev managed by Rusev the Crusher (U.S. East) VS 3D Waffle managed by ~Bobby St.Pain~ (U.S. West) Two good up and coming managers. Dancer vs. Slugger. 50/50 toss up

984761 3/4/2015 12:54 AM 18 Iron Clay Jr managed by Alcatraz Gym (U.S. West) VS Sharks Bonehead managed by Sydney Sharks (U.S. East) As usual my Alc gym is auto. he is going 4h/8/8 (ring) wont change plan. Easy win for Sharks 80/20

984749 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Everyone Beat Up The Commish! managed by ZWIP (U.S. Midwest) VS C I Think you're an Idiot managed by Cheez the DKE (U.S. East) Looks like I draw Cheez in the first round. I figured I would try a slugger for once. Cheez has a Dancer. 60/40 Cheez

984750 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Rocker Arm managed by Salvageyard (U.S. Midwest) VS Oddjob who lives in Dorkdom managed by Duke of Dorkdom (U.S. West) A fellow Illinois manager in Salvageyard draws a beast manager in DoD. Salvage has shown to be a pretty good manager but fighting a HOFer ..DoD 70/30

984751 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Meadows Round 1 Exit managed by Meadows Inc. 2015 (U.S. South) VS Karnal Baba managed by puto karnals (U.S. East) Looks like Meadows made a panty waist dancer like usual. Puto has shown he can hold his own against some real good managers. Two Dancers. going with experience Meadows 60/40

984752 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Coal Cracker Andy, Jr. managed by Coal Cracker (U.S. East) VS Every Mother's Son managed by Worknman (U.S. East) Another Slugger vs Dancer matchup. Couple East managers,,know each other well. Should be a good fight.Coal 60/40

984753 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 First Name "Greatest" Last Name "Ever" managed by 53rd Street Gym (U.S. Midwest) VS Mini paily managed by jojojojojo (U.S. East) A slugger manager in 53 makes a dancer. jojojojojo also has a dancer..Going with my Midwest brother 53..70/30

984754 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Lazy Dancer managed by Jagger (AustralAsia and South America) VS Bim Bam Ba Bectel managed by The Battlin Bectel (U.S. Midwest) Couple of old time managers from way back. Jagger has a dancer and Bectel has a balanced guy it looks like. Should be a great battle. Going with the dancer Jagger 60/40

984755 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Pazzy Mac managed by Paz McCay (U.S. West) VS Hurri-Kane managed by Bale Force (England) Paz just came back after long Hiatus has balanced guy. Bale is the hottest manager in the game at the moment,,running a dancer. going with the hot hand. Bale 70/30

984756 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 joe smoe managed by triston leichliter (U.S. East) VS Brett Hunter managed by Wellbrook Simmington (U.S. East) OK,,never heard of trison but have heard of Wellbrook..Well is good when he changes his plans. Well 70/30

984757 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Tymancheee Kaine managed by Freddy Atlas (U.S. East) VS Las Vegas Larry managed by Top Rank (U.S. West) Never heard of Freddy...running a dancer....No matter he is fighting one of the best ever in Top Rank...TR 90/10

984758 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Aldwych Firestarter managed by la-may (Europe) VS Frank Made Me Do it managed by Just BoB (U.S. Midwest) JB told me he would come back if La-may would. Well Lame came back and so did JB..Trouble is he got matched with him. JB is no slouch and can surprise at times. Slugger vs dancer. Going with Lames Dancer 70/30

984759 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Evans " The Governer " Ogrady managed by jonp (Europe) VS Mount Dodgeball managed by Dodgeball (U.S. South) Another marque match-up Two great managers. both fighting what they fight best. jonP with his slugger and DB with his Dancer. Win or lose jonP will bring the hurt. DB is one of the best I have ever seen with a dancer. DB.60/40

984760 3/4/2015 12:49 AM 18 Return Of Gray Goose managed by Terminator Ty (U.S. Midwest) VS Truk managed by Ogres with zen (U.S. Midwest) Couple of Midwest managers. Ty has been around since the game began. Ogres just came back after some years of absence. Ty is in his comfort zone with his balanced dancer..Ogres is fighting with a slugger. Two Midwest buddies. Going with Ty..70/30